Sunday, December 12, 2010

Politics oh lovely politics

As I watch the Sunday political shows and hear over and over about the million and billionaires and the non exsistent middle class, I wonder about the homeless, the POOR, the ones who used to be middle class which is most of the country now who are constantly railroaded by the big companies and the rich. WHAT IS BEING DONE FOR THE POOR, THE MAJORITY OF THE COUNTRY???

All this talking the talk but not walking the walk. The Republicans, the Democrats need to straighten their panties, grow up and sit down and discuss what's best for the country not the rich, the special interests, the big companies.

The rich, the special interests, the big coompanies caused this economy mess, they can suck it up, pay the taxes, hire employees and fix this economy. They cause this disaster then run and hide and point fingers at the President for not fixing it fast enough.

I was born and raised in a upper and middle middle class family. I am now a disabled 27 yr old who is unemployed. I can not get disability from the government, I can not get any help from the government. I can not finish my education because of University of Phoenix raping me financially, made me take out additional student loans to cover my government grant that they stole, I can not get a job because Ive been out of work for two years. Also employers do credit checks and I have the worst credit because of hundred of thousands of dollars in medical bills so they judge me. I can not get a job to fix my credit and get health insurance. I am scraping the barrel of life, depression, suicide screaming for help but being ignored because I am young, white (yes I am being discriminated against because of my color because its assumed I have money, all these opportunities, these privileges and I dont), and a female without a completed education.

I am a VERY intelligent, honest hard worker who loves her country. If I could join the military I most certainly would. Yet another option taken from me.

What is the government doing for me? NOTHING. What is the government doing for others like me and mu family? NOTHING. We elected them they need to be working for us, doing what is best for us.

Fucking shut up, remember your morals and values, what your mother taught you, TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WISH TO BE TREATED, WITH RESPECT AND HONESTY, pull your heads out of your asses and do your job right. You are a public servant working for us the other 97% pf the country, the important ones, get it right.

My mother raised me Republican which I was proud to be. People laughed when I used to proudly say Im Republican. "There's no way you're Republican. Not wishy washy whiny fake religious attention whorish like other Republicans." I would just brush thos off and shrug. But it got me thinking after I read all the hate that was wrapped up in religious morals the Republicans were spewing and still are spewing. Damn hypocrites. I researched what a Republican is, what a Democrat is, liberal, conservative blahblah. I am now ashamed to say I was proud to be Republican. To quote rapper T.I. : "Your values is a dissaray, prioritizin' horribly; Unhappy with the riches 'causes you're piss poor morally; Ignorin' all prior advice and forewarnin'; And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?"

All the politicians are piss poor morally. They need to step back, cut the crap and do what is right for the country.

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